
April 26, 2019

#Paris #Miniature Project 10: A Cut Above!

The planning continues for the Paris Miniature Project which is my friend Gigi Nephew's Serendipity Shed renovation for the HBS 2019 Creatin’ Contest. 
(Click photo in left column to go to Day 1 or here - Day 1  - See last entry Day 9.)
 * Don't forget you can put your email in the subscribe to updates box under the Paris photo in left column also to let you know when a new post goes up.
Yes, Progress!!

By Gigi Nephew

Hello everyone! I'm so excited as it’s Miniature Show weekend with my dear friend Chris!!!!!!  I can’t wait to see what treasures I can find.

Needless to say, I will be focusing on items for the Paris Project, but then again if I see an item for another project… you other miniaturists get the idea. (Can't wait!! This is our annual day-long event. Always a good time!--Chris)

I got my darling hubby to do some cutting. Top photo: The openings for the second floor windows and door are cut, and the third floor window fillers are done, too! The only cutting left is the opening between the second floor and the third floor for the stairs.  (Nice job!!!--Chris)

The roof for the third floor is also cut out. There is a ledge about 1¼ inches all around.  I will be using the ledge for plants and other things. (Looking good!--Chris)

I plan on starting the wallpapering next week, all three floors! My vision for the Paris building is becoming reality!

Until next time… Happy Creating!

(PS, yes, I'll be posting photos from what we find and see at the shows!--Chris)