
May 22, 2017

Update: Miniature Record Store in Progress!

Remember the miniature record store project from the previous post?  A little progress!


The store/roombox is  being painted, glued and nailed now. Still have to touch up the paint, but I really like the purple/violet and lilac trim. It's a nice contrast! The windows are painted pink with a neon pink trim. Still deciding on the door color yet.

Have to paint the base, deciding on the color, and I'm thinking I may do egg carton stones so I can paint them in coordinating colors. I'm thinking of multi-color tiles for the front porch. Lots of color but this is fun! I'm a gypsy at heart. I love lots of colors, glitter and anything that sparkles - which will all be incorporated here!

Also found this fabric. At first I was thinking of the blue to go with my eventual beach house, but this purple and pink, also orange and yellow, could fit in here, maybe for curtains or pillows. LOVE the colors! I still want to try some tie-dye. Remember that? ha!

Then there's this... remember that plant I mentioned? Here's the leaves I need to paint and then assemble. Too funny!!!  I do have some record album covers folded, but soooooo many more to do. But this is a fun project!!