
October 12, 2009

Miniatures Monday: New Miniature Food Book

Now you can appreciate food in a new way. You can enjoy it anywhere - without calories!

I've long admired the work of polymer clay artists who have a knack for making miniature food that is not only perfect for the dollhouse, but is wearable, too!

How fun to wear hot dog earrings or PetitPlat's fun layer cake or tart earrings, or rings with little cupcakes? There's even a breakfast plate necklace by KishCrafts on Etsy.

Well I didn't realize the trend was popular enough beyond the dollhouse collecting crowd to warrant its own book! (Here's a clue: do a search for miniature food jewelry on Etsy and over 2,000 items come up!)

POLYMER CLAY COOKBOOK: Tiny Food Jewelry to Whip Up and Wear by Jessica and Susan Partain (Watson-Guptill Oct. 20, 2009) includes instructions to make 20 realistic food charms. The "cookbook-style" book is said to be aimed at the "beginning miniaturist chef." I don't know if the pieces are exactly dollhouse scale, but I'm sure those skilled with clay can scale down the sizes if needed.

The "recipes" are grouped by category: fruits, breakfast, lunch and dinner, sweets and snacks, and holiday foods. Each recipe has a list of "ingredients," step-by-step directions with photographs, and suggested variations. Finished pieces are shown as a particular jewelry item, but readers can adapt the item to whatever jewelry item they choose. The book also includes a real recipe in each chapter. How fun!

* BUY at The Polymer Clay Cookbook: Tiny Food Jewelry to Whip Up and Wear

* A good addition to Sue Heaser's FOOD DISPLAYS - BUY at Food Displays: Step-By-Step Instructions for over 40 Projects (Dolls House Do-It-Yourself)

** Plus the NEW Angie Scarr MINIATURE FOOD MASTERCLASS - BUY at Miniature Food Masterclass: Materials and Techniques for Model-Makers


  1. This is so cool! Minis that look good enough to eat (but you shouldn't, or you'll get sick).

  2. What great mini food I ove it will go buy books must learn how to make.Keep up the good work there fantastic Christina Mallaby


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